Most importantly, I got to spend the day with this guy.

Ah...melt my heart! So cute!
We had a very busy day! We went to Ryan's parents for breakfast and to spend time with his mom, dad, sister, brother-in-law, and nephew. One of the funniest things ever happened while we are there, but I will save that for another post! We had a nice time, but soon it was time to go to my parents for a late lunch.
We spent the afternoon with my mom, siblings, and all the kids. Here I am with my mom and my siblings (my sister Jen is up top with me and then my step-brother Shane and step-sister Mandi are on the bottom).

Jack was a little cranky most of the day, and so was my niece Ava. We wanted to try to get some photos of the two of them together, but it wasn't working. Here is what we got!

Most of the photos looked like this! Ava was playing bashful and Jack was trying to jump down the stairs. Don't they look like they are the same size? I think it's hilarious that Ava is actually 10 months older than Jack. She is just absolutely tiny! People comment that Jack is big, but I think they are just used to how tiny Ava actually is. She is so small that she's not even on the growth charts for height and weight (as of her 18 month appointment anyway). We will see what they say at her 2 year appointment in a couple months. I am pretty sure she can eat more than I do though!
But, I digress! Mothers Day was lovely! I got to spend time with the people that I love and then got to go out and jog and start my Couch to 5K program. It pretty much kicked my butt. I am so very out of shape! We will be working on that soon enough!
I'll leave you with one more picture. I have lots more to share this week as we lead up to Jack's birthday next Wednesday! I can't believe my baby is going to be one! Slow down time! Slow down!

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