Thursday, May 14, 2009

And an update...

Since I don't want to work today, it will be a two post day! This one will be very short. I went to the doctor on Monday for my 37 week appointment. I was really hoping that I had made some progress in terms of dilation from the previous week. Ummm...not so much. Still only a half centimeter dilated. I was devastated. As soon as the doctor left the room, I started crying. I couldn't stop myself! I felt like an idiot. I still technically have three weeks until my due date. But, I am so ready to have this baby! I just really thought that something else would be going on.

So, I go back to the doctor next Monday (May 18) and I have a list of options/questions to talk to him about. I am honestly hoping that he will schedule an induction date since he said that he won't let me go past my due date. He better stick to that or he will have one very angry pregnant woman. We will see. I'm going to try to enjoy the weekend...Ryan and I have a date set up for Saturday. We are going to go see Angels and Demons and then get some tropical sno (which is my current craving). We also have to do some cleaning at our house. That part isn't so much fun, but we need the house to be quasi-clean before baby comes home.

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